Design Your Best Life

Is Fear Holding You Back?

Episode Summary

In this episode, Natasha & Rich talk about tackling FEAR when it comes to bringing your inspired ideas to life. They also reveal their brand new community platform for mission driven women that are seeking support and growth while they make their impact in the world.

Episode Notes

Key Points Discussed:

6:07 The top secret project Natasha has been working on.

13:20 Why Natasha would change the Unstoppable Influence book cover

13:49  Fear as a tool of control

14:12 Fear in the spiritual realm

16:16 The power of imagination (both good & bad)

17:31 Fear based decision making


Additional Resources

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Don’t forget to grab a copy of my book Unstoppable Influence: Be You. Be Fearless. Transform Lives here:

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Episode Transcription

Natasha Hazlett (00:01):

Ooh, I am so excited about today's episode, cuz I am spilling the beans on something amazing that we have been working on over the past six weeks. And if you have ever felt fear, when it comes to pursuing something that's been placed on your heart, you really wanna do it, but just start sweating. Your heart starts pumping. You're feeling sick to your stomach. This episode is for you. Let's go.

Richard Hazlett (00:37):

Are you ready to get the clarity, confidence, and strategies you need to design your best life. I'm Richard Hazlett.

Natasha Hazlett (00:43):

And I'm Natasha Hazlett. If you're ready to experience abundance in all areas of your life, then you're in the right place each week on this podcast, we're gonna share with you the tools we've used to help thousands of people find their purpose and live their life by design.

Richard Hazlett (00:59):

So if you're ready to start the journey, head over to design your best and download your clarity roadmap. When this episode is over. Hey everybody. Welcome to the design, your best life podcast. This is episode number 25 or shall I say the 2022 episode also known as our annual podcast?

Natasha Hazlett (01:22):

Why is it our annual podcast?

Richard Hazlett (01:24):

Well, I mean, it's been 10 months since we recorded our last podcast. I believe so. We're on the annual track right now.

Natasha Hazlett (01:33):

We're not on the annual track. We're just getting started. We're ramping back up again.

Richard Hazlett (01:39):

All right. Well, so let's pick up where we left off in the last episode,

Natasha Hazlett (01:44):

Talking about discipline, showing up every day and doing it no matter what,

Richard Hazlett (01:48):

It's kind of funny, because we decided to listen to episode 24 while we were making lunch and you were accusing me of strong arming you into doing this podcast today because I was like, we have got to do a podcast. And the first thing we talked about in episode 24 was you strong arming me into doing a podcast. So it was, it was pretty funny because you were telling me, you know, you know, I don't appreciate being forced into doing a podcast

Natasha Hazlett (02:17):

Which ironically was exactly what you had been telling me right before episode 24. So I think it's probably divine timing that we were supposed to do this now and in this way.

Richard Hazlett (02:29):

So what are we talking about today? Natasha?

Natasha Hazlett (02:32):

I don't know. Rich, you strong armed me into doing this podcast right now, which I'm happy to do by the way. 

Richard Hazlett (02:38):

Yeah, we're just joking around. So first of all, let's just catch up. There's been quite a bit of time. That's passed since our last podcast episode. So, you know, one of the things that we've, obviously this has been a, a wild time for everyone and in my life I've had a, a couple of people close to me that passed away my father and a friend from college and then another person in my family passed away in the fall and I just was not motivated to do a podcast. So I probably am the initial reason that we just completely fell off the map here so I apologize.

Natasha Hazlett (03:21):

Well, I think it's completely understandable and you know, I appreciate your openness and, and vulnerability and sharing why it is that we were not doing this podcast. One of the things it's certainly not just on you, there are seasons when we are called to rest. And I think that's something that a lot of people have a hard time doing and sometimes it's easy to rest because there's so much stuff going on. And then sometimes we're called into rest kicking and screaming and we don't want to rest. And yet circumstances come up in our life and we have a forced rest period.

Richard Hazlett (04:07):

And you know about the time I was ready to start recording podcasts again, I started talking to you about it. Then we were hit with something completely out of the blue with one of our twins who had a major medical issue that took us a couple of months to get through and get things stabilized. Luckily he's doing fantastic now. But that was definitely, you know, another thing that was just like all of our attention was focused on, on that for a period of time. So all that to say, it's great to be back here and you've got some exciting things that you wanna share. I dunno if you wanna go ahead and kind of talk about what you've been working on

Natasha Hazlett (04:47):

This period. When I was dealing with our son's medical condition, which was extremely intense, it was all consuming. And all I did was focus on that. And then I went and, and got a lot of work done and, and had a great time with our clients. We went down to Florida for our annual retreat and it was amazing. And on the heels of that, I ended up in a period of forced rest. I got sick, I was exhausted. I couldn't move. And so it was this time of healing that actually gave rise to a new project that I've been working on for the past six weeks that I am so excited about. And isn't that so interesting. That's just, I feel like that's just how God works. Cause you into this hard core rest season, upend, certain things in your life pulls away. All of the familiar and is priming you for a new adventure and a new chapter.

Natasha Hazlett (06:05):

And that new chapter includes a new company. And I'm so excited about this and we are so passionate about unstoppable influence and unstoppable influences is not going anywhere. This is an and not an or, and it's called our gathering table. And so we have designed a community platform, yes, a community platform for a form for mission driven, women who are seeking support and growth as they're making their impact in the world. And so this is a place where I'll be able to inspire and empower women we're coming to together as a community, a place that is uplifting a place that is free of divisive politics and social issues and all the things that have tend to tear people apart. And we have built this place for women to come together in this, this platform where we're gonna be offering online and offline growth experiences and opportunities for connection. And so I am so excited about we're in the very beginning stages of the launch of our gathering table. It's on a totally new platform. We're off of major social media with, with this one, with our gathering table. And I'm so excited. And the women that have joined in with me are so excited about this new project.

Richard Hazlett (07:49):

So we've kinda got a little beta launch so far we tested out with, we just had a an event last week where we had GSD days and then author,

Natasha Hazlett (07:59):

Speaker, get stuff, get stuff done days,

Richard Hazlett (08:01):

And then an author speaker workshop. And so you presented the community to, to our existing community.

Natasha Hazlett (08:09):

Basically I could not handle keeping the secret any longer I had to spill the beans and these women were here for this event. And I said, I, I can't keep it anymore. I can't keep a secret anymore. Let me tell you, and I've invited them to come and, and be beta testers in this, in this new community platform. And

Richard Hazlett (08:31):

Well, I love, I love your excitement. And then also the excitement of, of the people that you've told about it so far. And you know, one of the things I think is really awesome about it is that it's gonna be an online community, but also with an offline component where people are gonna get that higher level of connection.

Natasha Hazlett (08:50):

And that's what we really need. And it's, it's, that's through something that I call our local gathering table. So I hosted one last or yesterday actually. And I hosted one a couple of weeks before, and it was magical connecting women that didn't know each other before gathering around the table for some great conversation. Connections were made, resources were shared. It was, it was just so beautiful. And the thing that I love is that it's, it's not a business networking group cause I've done those and they're, and they're great and there's a wonderful purpose for them. And yet when I would go to a lot of business networking events, I felt like I was lacking the true lasting connection, you know, connection on a soul level

Richard Hazlett (09:42):

Where it's not just about somebody trying to make a business connection, that's gonna buy their, their package from 'em or whatever.

Natasha Hazlett (09:50):

Exactly. And then, and then of course there were the social groups, which I absolutely love. And yet a lot of times in these social groups, I found myself yearning to be able to speak with women that are growth minded and have big dreams. And they're chasing after big goals. Like I love being able to connect. And so I felt like, you know, as a friend once told me as a friend, Heather said, you know, if, if you can't find what you're looking for, build it. And so that's what I did when I was solo in my bed. I sat down and I typed out this huge business plan and I come out and I tell rich, Hey, what do you think would this, what do you think will this work? And he was totally on board. And I think one of my favorite, one of my favorite things that's happened, we were talking to our banker because you have to go to, in order to open up a new bank account, you have to tell them, what are you doing?

Natasha Hazlett (10:56):

And so I shared with her what we were doing with our gathering table. And I saw a twinkle our eye. It was this recognition that she probably needed this kind of connection as well. And so I was bold. I was super nervous when she sent me a text message and told me your account's all set up, it's active. Thanks so much. I couldn't help, but say yes to that, nudge that inner nudge that said, go ahead, invite her to our gathering table. And so I did, and she was so excited. So I'm really excited. She's actually going to be coming to one of our local gathering tables in a couple of weeks

Richard Hazlett (11:39):

Right now. I don't know people can't go, they can't sign up yet, but are you want to, you wanna tell 'em where to go, to find out more information or like, what should they do?

Natasha Hazlett (11:49):

No, I'm gonna hold it. I'm gonna hold it. No, I'm just kidding. I'm not, I'm gonna do that to y'all. So I honestly, the time this airs, I have no clue if, if we're still gonna be in wait list mode or if the, the page will be live, but you can go to And actually I just realized, as I was saying that with my Southern accent, you probably don't know whether I said the letter R or O U R our, so you go to our O U R gathering and that has all the information

Richard Hazlett (12:25):

We were talking about ideas for what we might cover in today's episode. And I was mentioning fear. One of the things that, that I noticed when we were at our author speaker workshop was all of the anticipation and the buildup of people working on their vignettes, that they were gonna share with the group,

Natasha Hazlett (12:44):

AKA mini stories

Richard Hazlett (12:46):

And, and getting an opportunity to get up in front of the room. And so all those people had to feel, feel the fear and, and do it anyway. And, and that's one of the things that in your, your book unstoppable influence, the subtitle is be you be fearless transform lives. So in your words, like, what do you think of being fearless? Because obviously the fear is still gonna be there for a lot of, you know, whenever you're doing something that's really, you're facing a, a big fear, but like, so what is your thought on like how to go about that?

Natasha Hazlett (13:20):

If I, if I did my book cover over again, I think I would write the word fearless a different way. So I'll do lowercase fear, uppercase less. I believe that fear is going to be ever present in our lives. And when we start to accept that,

Richard Hazlett (13:43):

Well, I would say the, it's almost like a temptation of feeling fear.

Natasha Hazlett (13:49):


Richard Hazlett (13:49):

Yeah, but, but, but if you can not accept that because fear is, is like a tool of control. You know, if, if the media and different places are just constantly pumping out fearful stories, it's, it's like almost like a manipulation. So the more that you can say no to that,

Natasha Hazlett (14:12):

Well, I think it's a spiritual, I mean, can we, I'm gonna bring it into the spiritual realm. I, I think that fear is a tool of the enemy and, and you know, for, for people that are inclined to read the scripture it's fear is, is spoken about frequently and it's never from the highest power, it's never a, a godly, a fruit of God. We have to learn. It is always going to be present. The question is what are you going to do with it? Cause I think a lot of times people think there's something wrong with them when they feel fear, man, if I could just be fearless, like as in the absence of fear. And I think that the key is really learning how to yes, feel that fear and do it anyways. How to, how to turn towards the positive things instead of allowing yourself to be consumed and controlled. Like you said, by

Richard Hazlett (15:15):

Fear, don't live in a fearful state. I was listening to an audio book earlier this morning by Joe Dispenza, Dr. Joe Dispenza unlock your subconscious mind. And this wasn't exactly the way he was talking about the subconscious mind, but it, it, it, it triggered a thought in my mind, he was talking about the imagination and how your subconscious mind can't differentiate between what's actually happened and what you, you imagine in your, you know, to be true. So like people can visualize things that haven't happened in your subconscious mind won't know the difference. But what I realized was we use our imagination in a lot more ways than I've ever considered previously. I always think of imagination as like a creative endeavor where I'm thinking about like, oh, I would imagine like, what do I want? Or, you know, what's, what's some sort of way we could do things differently, but really we use our imagination every day.

Richard Hazlett (16:16):

Every time we interact with someone and they do something to us or tell something to us, we use our imagination to build up a story about what that means to us. So it's really powerful to recognize that, that you can control how you use your imagination in every interaction that you have throughout life. So it's just like when we talk about people, believing the world is either against you or conspiring to help you advance what, whatever you're trying to accomplish. It's really, it comes down to what is the story we're telling ourselves and what is the imagination? What, you know, what, how are we using our imagination to filter out what the meanings of things are to us? So that's something that like, I, I think I'm gonna have a different approach to everything I'm doing. Just, just having that, that discernment between like understanding that it is just my imagination, you know, you know how we say, is it, is it just my imagination or did such and such happen? Well, yes, it is your imagination because there, whatever you think is your imagination, like how you're processing it, that

Natasha Hazlett (17:25):

That's so good.

Richard Hazlett (17:27):

It's so it's just kind of a, an interesting revelation. I think

Natasha Hazlett (17:31):

One of the things, when we talk about fear is when it comes to decision, what are you using to make your decisions? And a lot of times people engage in fear based decision making. And in my experience, the decisions that I make that are based on fear are rarely good decisions.

Richard Hazlett (18:01):

I mean, unless you're like in the middle of a busy highway or something, and you need to get off of it

Natasha Hazlett (18:06):

right, right. When it comes to something that is, let's say taking you outside of your comfort zone, you're gonna go and maybe pitch an idea to someone,

Richard Hazlett (18:19):

Or maybe someone offers you a speaking opportunity and you don't like to speak,

Natasha Hazlett (18:23):

Right. Exactly. Are you going to make a fear based decision? Oh, I wanna protect myself. I'm worried. What if I, what if I fail? You know, what if, what if, what if I don't hit the goal? What if you succeed, what door is gonna be open because you were willing to feel that fear and do it anyway. I mean, I take it back to my conversation with the banker, which it was such a small, it was just a small example. I was super nervous thinking, you know, gosh, should I really talk to this lady that I, I haven't actually ever met and tell her this idea. And I'm so excited about our gathering table, but what if she says, no, what if I get rejected? Am I gonna go in this negative spiral down that maybe our gathering table, wasn't a good idea and all that and all of that.

Natasha Hazlett (19:17):

And instead I, I chose to feel the fear and do it anyway. And as a result, I discovered that what we just created was something that she had been yearning for. And who knows what doors are gonna open now for her, not because of me, but because of the people that she's gonna meet by virtue of the big, scary thing that I just did. You know, I'm glad that I was willing to quickly in the moment. I, I felt that fear. I thought to myself, what if she rejects me? What if she says no? And I just, I did it anyways.

Richard Hazlett (19:56):

That's great. And I think that's right along the lines of the, the types of things that sales people go through all the time, or people in network marketing who are constantly talking to people and putting themselves out there, it's hard sometimes to keep going. If you start letting the, the fear of failure build up. So, so one of the, the things that people that are successful, one of the things they do is change what that means. The meaning of them saying no, like, you know, our friend Ray Higdon is talked, talked about how he used to just go for 20 no's or a hundred no's or whatever it was a day and became the number one earner in his company. So it's, it's definitely, I think that goes right along the lines of just imagining what the, the outcome actually means. And, and since we have total control over that, we're in the driver's seat.

Natasha Hazlett (20:49):

I love it. I love it. Well, I think this was a good

Richard Hazlett (20:52):

One. Great. I'm so glad that we decided to, that I was able to convince you to come on and record this one. And

Natasha Hazlett (20:59):

Thanks for

Richard Hazlett (21:00):

See you again soon.

Natasha Hazlett (21:02):

Thanks for strong arming me rich. I really, I really appreciate that.

Richard Hazlett (21:05):

And my pleasure

Natasha Hazlett (21:06):

We'll look forward to seeing you in our next episode, which will not be 10 months from today.

Richard Hazlett (21:13):

We can, we can guarantee that at least

Natasha Hazlett (21:19):

Thanks for listening to this episode of design, your best light. If you're not subscribed already, be sure to do that right now. If you enjoy this episode, we love it. If you could do us a quick favor and rate and review our podcast, this lets the platform know that we're doing something right, and people love our content. It would be a huge help and we would be so grateful. Be sure to head over, to design your best and pick up the clarity roadmap. The clarity roadmap will help you get the clarity and confidence you need to take the next step to designing your best life. We look forward to you joining us next time on design your best life.